Time Filter Analysis Object *

Time Filter Analysis Object

Time Filter Analysis Object *

This analysis object allows you to filter periodic periods of time from a data set using calendar time values.

The following criteria are available:


Range of Values

Second in the minute

0 to 59

Minute in the hour

0 to 59

Hour of the day

0 to 23

Day of the month

1 to 31

Month of the year

1 to 12

Day of week

Monday through Sunday


1970 to 2035

Day of year

1 to 366

For each criterion you can specify an interval in which the calendar time values must lie so that they pass the filter. The individual criteria form cycles in the next-higher criterion.

You can choose any number from the eight criteria. If you select more than one criterion, a Boolean AND operation takes place, i.e. only the time values pass the filter for which all selected criteria are fulfilled. Connect, for instance, the criteria Hour of the day 8:30 to 17:00 and Day of week Monday to Friday to filter work hours from a data set.

The interval limits specified refer to local time, i.e. the calendar time values are converted into local time before the filtering. Time values that fall exactly on an interval limit fulfill the associated filter criterion.

For the criterion Second, you can also specify fractional digits. For the criterion Minute and Hour, you can precisely specify the interval limits to a fraction of a second. The input from 8:30:15.3 to 9:45:20.75 can be specified for the criterion Hour for example. You can complement the result for any date element by specifying a value for the upper limit that is smaller than the lower limit.

The Result of the analysis object can either be the data set values that pass the filter, their indices, or a data set in which all values  that do not pass the filter have been set to void. Due to the analysis object’s ability to calculate the indices of the calendar times that fulfill the criterion, you have the option to logically combine multiple filters with the functions IndexAnd, IndexOr and IndexNot.

You can specify as the data set a data series with calendar time values or a signal whose X component contains calendar time values. You can also calculate the Result Set values not passing through the filter void for a data matrix or a signal series with a two-dimensional X component.

FPScript Functions Used


* This analysis object is not available in FlexPro View.

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