Copying Data


To copy the Y values to the Clipboard that are currently displayed in the coordinates window for the active cursor as a data series:

Click Cursor Tools/Cursors[Copy] > Value(s).

To copy the section of the curve between the cursors to the Object List:

1.Click Cursor Tools/Cursors[Copy] > Range.

2.In the dialog box that appears, specify whether the current cursor positions are to be inserted as fixed or variable values. The command saves a formula in the clipboard, which extracts the section from the curve. In the latter case, the properties of the diagram, worksheet or document are used that determine the positions of the cursors. Thus, for example, you can combine the manual selection of a signal section with an automated analysis.

Note: Formulas that extract the data ranges are stored in the folder in the Object List. This folder contains the object in which you use the cursors.

See Also

Analyzing Data with Cursors

Copying a Value from the Coordinates Window

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