Scrolling Along a Curve


If you display the curve spread out in the diagram as follows and then animate the cursor, you will obtain a scrolling effect:

1.Hold down the CTRL key and use your mouse to drag a vertical band from left to right in order to display a section of the curve as spread out.

2.Open the list box under Cursor Tools/Cursors[Zoom Curve] > Adjust Image Section and select Fixed Cursor Position.

3.Uncheck the option Cursors[Cursors] > Cross-Hair Cursor to display the cursor as a line cursor.

4.Now click Cursors[Play] > Play or Cursor Tools/Cursors[Play] > Reverse to allow the cursor move to the right or left.

5.Click Cursors[Play] > Stop to stop scrolling.


The option in the Fixed Cursor Position list box Cursor Tools/Cursors[Zoom Curve] > Adjust Image Section causes the cursor to appear at a fixed location and the curve to move under the cursor. Alternatively, you can use the Move option.

You can change the speed of the cursor in the Cursor Tools/Cursors[Play] > Playback Speed field.

You can set the cursoring increment in the Playback increment field of the Properties dialog box.

See Also

Analyzing Data with Cursors

Moving the Cursors with the Mouse

Synchronizing Cursors

Adjusting the Image Section when Moving Cursors

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