What’s New in the FlexPro 2019 Object Model


The following sections include a list of all changes made to the FlexPro Object Model.

The changes in the FlexPro 2019 Automation Object Model from the previous version mostly involve backward compatible extensions. The few changes that may require you to change your code are in red in the text below.

If you want to import macros or Automation code from FlexPro 6 through FlexPro 2017 to FlexPro 2019, you should first take a look at the changes listed in the linked Help pages from the previous versions of FlexPro.

Note:   You can obtain more information about the significant features of the listed objects, methods and properties by clicking on the links.

New Objects

FlexPro Main Window

The DockingLayout object represents an arrangement of task windows in the FlexPro main window.

The DockingLayouts list contains this object.


The TableOfContents object represents a document collection in a document.

The ImportCustomProperties list contains these objects.

Data Import

The ImportCustomProperty object represents a custom import property which provides additional information for the data import.

The ImportCustomProperties list contains this object.

File Export

The ExportSettingsXLSX object represents the settings for exporting data in the Microsoft Excel XLSX format.


The EnvelopeAnalysis object represents the new Envelopeanalysis object.

The SharpnessAnalysis object represents the new Sharpnessanalysis object.

The CircleApproximationAnalysis object represents the new Circle Approximationanalysis object.

Changes to Existing Objects

The Item property now produces the error code 0x8000000B (E_BOUNDS) instead of 0x80004005 (E_FAIL) for an index outside the valid range.

The operation attempted to access data outside the valid range

The ImportSettings property has been removed from the Global object and added to the Database object, since the import settings are now managed per database.

The Global object has been expanded to include the ForceUpdateAll method and the DockingLayouts property.

The ResetWindowArrangement method has been removed from the Database object. Use the Apply method from the DockingLayout object instead.

In the Folder object, the BlendIn method has been expanded to include an optional Recursive argument. If you omit the argument, the methods will be backward compatible with FlexPro 2017.

The Markers list has been expanded to include the LabelAlignment property.

The Marker object has been expanded to include the Alignment property.

The DocObjectSelection object has been expanded to include the Alignment property and the list types of the Align method have been renamed to FpHorizontalAlignment and FpVerticalAlignment.


The ValueObject object, which represents all data objects in FlexPro, has been expanded to include the properties Color and ElementName.

In the ValueObject object, the properties Comments, Unit, Quantity, Format, LowerRangeLimit, UpperRangeLimit and Timestamp have been expanded to include an optional FromData argument, which determines the origin of the property to be read. If you omit the argument, the properties will be backward compatible with FlexPro 2017.

Data Import

The FileDataLink object has been expanded to include the PostProcessing and ImportCustomProperties properties.

The ImportSettings object has been expanded to include the properties AnalysisTemplate, ItemSelection, ItemFilterName and ImportCustomProperties. The ImportCompleteFile property has been removed. Use ItemSelection(fpItemSelectionComplete) instead.

File Export

The ExportSettings object has been expanded to include the XLSX property.

The ExportSettingsCSV object and the ExportSettingsTXT object have been expanded to include the properties HeaderElements and DecimalSeparator.

Data Query

The DataQuery object has been expanded to include the Update property.

The DataQueryItem object has been expanded to include the ResultStructure property.


The SmoothAnalysis object has been expanded to include the properties ExtrapolateBoundary and StandardDeviation.

The SignalAnalysis object has been expanded to include the properties AlgorithmDerivation, AlgorithmIntegral, MovingMeanWidth, CutOffFrequency, NormalizedFrequency, Order, AreaAbsolute, SmoothDerivation, SmoothDerivationMode, PolynomialOrderFirstDerivative, PolynomialOrderSecondDerivative and ExtrapolateBoundary.

The InstantaneousQuantitiesAnalysis object and the SignalScalingAnalysis object have been expanded to include the properties MovingMeanWidth, CutOffFrequency, NormalizedFrequency and Order.

The list type of the property DetrendBefore  of the InstantaneousQuantitiesAnalysis object has been renamed from FpInstantaneousQuantitiesDetrend to FpSignalAnalysisDetrend.

The LoudnessAnalysis object has been expanded to include the properties InputType and SkipTime.


The DocObject object, which represents all presentation objects in FlexPro, has been expanded to include the properties PageSize, PageWidth, PageHeight, ShowGrid, SnapToGrid, UseAlignmentGuides, GridSpacingHorizontal and GridSpacingVertical. Some of these properties were available in FlexPro 2017 only in the Document object, but are now also available in diagrams and tables.

The Document object has been expanded to include the properties OddAndEvenPagesHeader, DifferentFirstPageHeader, UseAlignmentGuides and MirrorMargins and the methods AddSection and RemoveSection. In addition, the properties PageSize, PageWidth, PageHeight, GridSpacingHorizontal, GridSpacingVertical, TopMargin, LeftMargin, BottomMargin and RightMargin have been expanded to include an optional Page argument, which is used to specify the document section whose property will be accessed.

The Worksheet object has been expanded to include the properties PageSize, PageWidth and PageHeight.

The DiagramStyle object has been expanded to include the UseDataSetColors property.

In the Axis2DScaling and Axis3DScaling objects, the property ExtendEndValues has been replaced by the ExtendStartValue and ExtendEndValue properties.

The Axis2DScaling object has been expanded to include the Unit2 property.

The Axis2DLabels object has been expanded to include the Alignment property.

The Axis2DText object and the Legend object have been expanded to include the properties ReverseOrder and Alignment .

The CurveLabels object and the CurveLabel object have been expanded to include the Alignment property.

The Shapes collection has been expanded to include the methods AddRoundedRectangle, AddTextBox and AddDocumentCollection.

The Shape object has been expanded to include the properties Alignment, Anchor, LeftPadding, RightPadding, TopPadding, BottomPadding, OutlineLevel, ResetNumbering, StartAt, OutlineFormat, NumberOfPages, NumberOfPages and CornerRadiusPercentage. In addition, the properties Left, Top, Width and Height have been expanded to include an optional Page argument, which is used to specify the object page for multipage objects.

In the Polar Transformation object, the StartingAngle property has been renamed to RotationAngle.

The ColumnTableColumnTitle object has been expanded to include the Alignment property.

In the ColumnTableColumnData, CellTableCellText, ColumnTableColumnColumnIndex, ColumnTableColumnRowIndex, ColorLegend3DLabels and ColorLegend3DText objects, the Position property has been replaced by the Alignment property.

New Events

The FileImported event occurs after a file has been imported.

New List Types

The list types below have been added: FpAlignment, FpHeaderElement, FpHorizontalAlignment, FpVerticalAlignment, FpSignalAnalysisAlgorithmDerivation, FpSignalAnalysisAlgorithmIntegral, FpSignalAnalysisSmoothDerivationMode, FpLoudnessInputType, FpSharpnessAlgorithm, FpSharpnessSoundField, FpSharpnessCalibrationMode, FpSharpnessInputType, FpItemSelection, FpCreateFolder, FpDataQueryResultStructure, FpEnvelopesResult, FpEnvelopesInterpolation, FpEnvelopesAlgorithm, FpEnvelopesIntervalMode, FpEnvelopesBoundaryPoints, FpDocumentCollectionSearchMode, FpTableOfContentsType, FpTableOfContentsTabLeader, FpShapeOutlineLevel and FpDockingLayout.

Changes to Existing List Types

The list type FpInstantaneousQuantitiesDetrend has been renamed to FpSignalAnalysisDetrend.

The list type FpCharacterSet now includes the following: fpCharacterSetUTF8, fpCharacterSetUTF8BOM, fpCharacterSetUTF16LE, fpCharacterSetUTF16LEBOM, fpCharacterSetUTF16BE and fpCharacterSetUTF16BEBOM.

The list type FpShapeType now includes the following: fpShapeTypeRoundedRectangle, fpShapeTypeTextBox, fpShapeTypeDocumentCollection and fpShapeTypeTableOfContents.

The list type FpObjectType now includes the following: fpObjectTypeEnvelopes, fpObjectTypeSharpness, fpObjectTypeIndexingDataObject, fpObjectTypeIndexingDirectory and fpObjectTypeIndexingFile.

The list type FpWindowView now includes the following: fpWindowViewPreview.

The list type FpTaskWindow now includes the following: fpTaskWindowDataPreview.

The list type FpPageSize now includes the following: fpPageSizeA6, fpPageSizeB4, fpPageSizeStatement, fpPageSizeExecutive, fpPageSizeDL, fpPageSizeC4 and fpPageSizeC5.

The list type FpAxisAdjustment now includes the following: fpAxisAdjustmentExpandHorizontally, fpAxisAdjustmentShiftHorizontally, fpAxisAdjustmentExpandVertically and fpAxisAdjustmentShiftVertically.

The list type FpEventIsolationEvent now includes the following: fpEventIsolationEventVoidValue.

The list type FpEventIsolationOrientation now includes the following: fpEventIsolationOrientationPositiveOrBeginning and fpEventIsolationOrientationNegativeOrEnd.

The list type FpSignalAnalysisOperation now includes the following: fpSignalAnalysisOperationAbsolute.

The list type FpSignalAnalysisDetrend now includes the following: fpSignalAnalysisDetrendMovingMean and fpSignalAnalysisDetrendDCRemovalFilter.

The list type 'FpStatisticQuantity now includes the following: fpStatisticQuantitySkewness, fpStatisticQuantityExcessKurtosis and fpStatisticQuantityMeanSquaredError.

The list type FpSearchItem now includes the following: fpSearchItemFileCreationTime and fpSearchItemModificationTime.

The list type FpSearchCompareOp now includes the following: fpSearchCompareOpTextStartsNotWith and fpSearchCompareOpTextEndsNotWith.

The list type FpExportFormat now includes the following: fpExportFormatPDF and fpExportFormatFlexProText5.

The list type FpLoudnessResult now includes the following: fpLoudnessResultSpecificLoudness and fpLoudnessResultLoudnessMax.

The list type FpLoudnessAlgorithm now includes the following: fpLoudnessAlgorithmISO532_1 and fpLoudnessAlgorithmISO532_2.

The list type FpSmoothingOperation now includes the following: fpSmoothingOperationGaussian.

The list type FpMediaTimeBase now includes fpMediaTimeBaseFrameTimeAndRate.

The list type FpDataQueryResult now includes the following: fpDataQueryResultNumberOfDimensions, fpDataQueryResultFormula, fpDataQueryResultFirstTimeAbsolute, fpDataQueryResultFirstTimeRelative, fpDataQueryResultLastTimeAbsolute, fpDataQueryResultLastTimeRelative, fpDataQueryResultMachineName, fpDataQueryResultFileExtension, fpDataQueryResultFileType, fpDataQueryResultFileModificationTime, fpDataQueryResultFileCreationTime, fpDataQueryResultCreationTime and fpDataQueryResultModificationTime.

The list type FpDataQuerySort now includes the following: fpDataQuerySortNumberOfDimensions, fpDataQuerySortFormula, fpDataQuerySortFirstTimeAbsolute, fpDataQuerySortFirstTimeRelative, fpDataQuerySortLastTimeAbsolute, fpDataQuerySortLastTimeRelative, fpDataQuerySortMachineName, fpDataQuerySortFileExtension, fpDataQuerySortFileType, fpDataQuerySortFileModificationTime, fpDataQuerySortFileCreationTime, fpDataQuerySortCreationTime and fpDataQuerySortModificationTime .

See Also

What's New in the FlexPro 2017 Object Model

What's New in FlexPro 10's Object Model

What's New in FlexPro 9's Object Model

What's New in FlexPro 8's Object Model

What's New in FlexPro 7's Object Model

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