XOffsetScale (FPScript)


Scales the X component of a signal or signal series.


XOffsetScale(DataSet, Offset [ , Scale ])


The syntax of the XOffsetScale function consists of the following parts:




The data set whose X component is to be scaled.

Permitted data structures are data series, data matrix, signal und signal series. All numeric data types are permitted.


A scalar value by which the X component is shifted.

Permitted data structures are scalar value. All numeric data types are permitted.


A scalar value by which the X component is multiplied.

Permitted data structures are scalar value. All numeric data types are permitted.


The result has the same structure as the argument DataSet.

The function transforms the X component, if present, according to: Scale * DataSet.X + Offset. If you want to transform the Y component of a signal, you can use the arithmetic operators addition (+) and multiplication (*), e.g. 1000. mV/V * signal + 100 mV.

If DataSet is a data series or data matrix, then this is returned unchanged.

If the argument is a list, then the function is executed for each element of the list and the result is also a list.

Available in

FlexPro View, Basic, Professional, Developer Suite


XOffsetScale(Signal, 5.8 ms)

Shifts the signal by 5.8 milliseconds.

XOffsetScale(Signal, 0, 1000 ms/s)

Converts the time values of a signal from "s" to "ms".

See Also

XShift Function

Addition Operator (+)

Multiplication Operator (*)

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