Data Set Wizard


The Data Set Wizard helps you when creating new data sets.

In the first step, specify the desired data structure. A description of the data structure selected is output in the Wizard. You can now already close the Wizard. FlexPro then adds a data set with a number of values equal to 0 and a 64-bit floating point value data type. You can enter the data later in the data set window or in the data view.

In the second step, specify the data type. In the case of aggregate data structures, specify the data type separately for each component in the data set. If you do exit the Data Set Wizard now, a data set with a number of values equal to 0 is created.

In the third and last step, specify the size of the data set. For every component of the data set, you can specify a starting value and an increment or, with the string data type, an initialization text.

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