Inserting a Hyperlink into a Document


1.Click Document Tools/Design[Illustrations] > Label.

2.Click on the location where text with a hyperlink is to be inserted.

3.In the dialog box that appears, place the cursor in the edit box.

4.You can now enter a text and select the section to be highlighted as a hyperlink. Alternatively, you can leave the edit box blank. The selected text should not contain any fields.

5.Click on Insert or Edit a Hyperlink. A dialog box appears where you can enter the hyperlink.

6.Select one of the four hyperlink buttons, depending on the type of hyperlink you want, and enter the address.

7.Close the Edit Hyperlink dialog box by pressing ENTER. The hyperlink has now been entered into the Edit Text dialog box.

8.The hyperlink consists of two tags: \<A href="Address"> and \</A>. The text to be highlighted in the document is located between these two tags. You are free to change this text.

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