Less Than Or Equal To Operator (<=) (FPScript) *


Compares two numerical expressions and returns TRUE if the left expression is less than or equal to the right expression.


Expression1 <= Expression2

The syntax of the <= operator consists of the following elements:




Any expression. All data types except Boolean values are permitted.


Same as Expression1.


The operator can process scalar values or entire data series and data matrices. If at least one argument is a data series or a data matrix, the comparison takes place on a per-element basis and the result is once again a data series or a data matrix with Boolean values. If at least one of the two arguments is a data matrix, then both arguments must have the same number of rows. For a different number of columns in data matrices or for a different number of rows in data series, extra columns or values are ignored.

For signals, signal series and space curves, only the Y component is examined and the result has the same data structure as the Y component of the arguments. If one of the expressions returns a list, then the operation is executed for each item in the list and the result is also a list.

For complex data types, the absolute values are compared. Strings are compared lexicographically taking upper and lower case into account. If the strings differ in length, then the shorter string is always smaller than the longer string. If only one argument is a string, the string is converted before the operation into the data type of the other operand. If one of the operands is void, then the result is always FALSE, but if both are void, then the result is TRUE.

If Expression1 and Expression2 are a quantity, then they have to have the same SI dimension and the unit of Expression2 is transformed before being compared to the unit of Expression1 . If only one argument is a quantity, then the same unit is used for the other argument.

Available in

FlexPro View, Basic, Professional, Developer Suite


Boolean Minimum(Integer16(DataSeries1 <= DataSeries2))

Returns TRUE if all values in DataSeries1 are less than or equal to the values in DataSeries2.

"FlexPro2" <= "FlexPro"

Returns FALSE.

"FlexPro" <= "flexPro"

Returns TRUE.

<= 1

Returns FALSE.

<= ?

Returns TRUE.

1 V <= 5 mV

Returns FALSE.


See Also

Equal To Operator (==)

Not Equal To Operator (<>)

Greater Than Operator (>)

Greater Than Or Equal To Operator (>=)

Less Than Operator (<)

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