Bitwise Operations



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Bitwise Boolean Exclusive OR

View, Basic, Professional, Developer Suite

Performs a bitwise Boolean Exclusive OR operation for two expressions.

Bitwise Boolean NOT (~)

View, Basic, Professional, Developer Suite

Determines the bitwise complement.

Bitwise Boolean OR (|)

View, Basic, Professional, Developer Suite

Performs a bitwise Boolean OR operation for two expressions.

Bitwise Boolean AND (&)

View, Basic, Professional, Developer Suite

Performs a bitwise Boolean AND operation for two expressions.

Bitwise Shift Right (>>)

View, Basic, Professional, Developer Suite

Shifts the bits in an integer to the right by the specified number of positions.

Bitwise Shift Left (<<)

View, Basic, Professional, Developer Suite

Shifts the bits in an integer to the left by the specified number of positions.

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