Analysis Automation


To automate an evaluation with a spreadsheet, you usually have to write a program that controls the necessary steps.

FlexPro offers automation without any programming. Due to the fact that all calculation processes are permanently saved in formulas and analysis objects, you can easily apply them to several measurements, for example. Set up folders in the FlexPro project database where you want to save the data from a certain measurement. Before you update a document, for example, just activate the folder from which the data is to be taken. FlexPro then accesses the data from the activated folder and you obtain an evaluation of the selected data at the touch of a button.

In addition, FlexPro has a macro recorder that you can use to record operations as Visual Basic macros. With the automation interface, you can integrate FlexPro into applications and manage it remotely.

What's Next?

If you have not worked with FlexPro yet, we suggest that you look at the tutorial Getting to Know FlexPro in just 15 Minutes.

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