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Syntax Loop For

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  • #12374

    I’m new with FlexPro

    Dim A, B
    For j = 0 To 100 Step 0.01 Do
    A[j] = j

    For i = 0 To 100 Step 0.01 Do
    If B < 0.1 then B[i]= 160 else B[i]= 124.6 + (2.77/i) End Signal ( B, A) [/code] I have an error and don't know what is it. What's wrong with my code. Thank you for your help.

    Bernhard KantzBernhard Kantz

    The syntax error is caused by the missing ‘End’ of the If-Then-Else statement. Correcting it reveals the deeper problems with the formula.
    After Dim A,B both variables are initialized with the datatype Empty. To build a dataset, one can append values at the end (or at the beginning). If one already knows the desired length and datatype, a proper initialization is more efficient. For a dataset of e.g. 100 floating point values (set to the void value) one can use an expression like

    Dim A = ? # 100

    After that, one can access the elements by indices like in your first loop. But be aware, they will be truncated to integers so A[0] will hold 0.99, A[1] 1.99, and so forth. If you need a dataset with 10001 entry from 0 to 100 and increment 0.01, you can append the values like in the following For-loop:

    Dim A
    For i = 0 To 100 Step 0.01 Do
    	A := i	// short for A = A : i, append value of i to dataset A

    But there is already a FPScript function creating the same dataset with

    Series(0, 100, 0.01)

    Refering to your second For-loop the variable B has to be initialized first like A to access entries via the index operator. There maybe a typo: since B has no definite value it would make more sense to test if i is less than 0.1 than B. If you intent to build a dataset with 10001 entries, one may code as following:

    Dim i = Series(0, 100, 0.01)	// or reuse A
    // set all entries for the second case
    Dim B = 124.6 + 2.77 / i
    // find all indices where i is not greater or equal 0.1
    Dim idx = ValuesAboveLevel(i, 0.1, EVENT_INDEX + EVENT_COMPLEMENT)
    // set those values to the fixed value
    B[idx] = 160

    To get into FPScript formula writing, we would suggest to look into the Reference chapter in the section ‘Analyzing Data Mathematically’ in the online help.

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