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Home > Community > Automation and VBA > Diagram name > Antwort auf: Diagram name
November 23, 2015 um 9:06 am Uhr
Bernhard Kantz
To access the database currently working on, use the global ActiveDatabase property. You may also use ThisDatabase to access the project database containing the VBA code.
The Database object has an ActiveObject property to use the FpObject which has the focus. There are also properties Selection and SelectedObject to get the object(s) chosen in the object list.
The name of an object can be obtained by the property Name, the full path (including extension) with Fullname.
Dim oFpObj As FpObject
Set oFpObj = ActiveDatabase.ActiveObject
Select Case oFpObj.ObjectType
Case fpObjectType2DDiagram
MsgBox "Selected 2D-Diagram: " & oFpObj.Name & vbCrLf _
& "(Full path name: " & oFpObj.FullName & ")"
Case fpObjectType3DDiagram
MsgBox "Selected 3D-Diagram: " & oFpObj.Name & vbCrLf _
& "(Full path name: " & oFpObj.FullName & ")"
Case Else
MsgBox "Selected Object: " & oFpObj.Name & vbCrLf _
& "(Full path name: " & oFpObj.FullName & ")"
End Select