Home > Community > Automation and VBA > FlexPro Crashes > Antwort auf: FlexPro Crashes

Bernhard KantzBernhard Kantz

This is a variant of a known issue. The issue is mainly caused by a limitation of the OLE compound file format which is used to store FlexPro databases in single file format. This file format uses a fixed size for managing open storages (folders) and streams (other objects). The size of this fixed memory area is different across operating systems versions (WinNT 4.0: 4 MB, Win2K: 2 MB, Win9x/WinNT 3.51 64MB!!, WinXP: unknown probably similar to Win2K).

Currently the only workaround for this issue is to store your databases in multi file format. They do not have such a limitation and will perform better in case of large databases. Please search for ‘How Databases are Stored’ or ‘Wie Datenbanken gespeichert werden’ (in the german version of the online help) for some general hints on the topic.

In FlexPro 7 we will further try to reduce the number of open storages so that this issue will arise even more seldom.
