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Home > Community > Automation and VBA > Using multiple custom functions > Antwort auf: Using multiple custom functions
Februar 4, 2016 um 8:18 am Uhr
Peter Seitz
I’m using a custom function for an analysis like in your example “CustomFunction.FPD”.
Now I’d like to implement a second custom function, so I was going to expand my code like the following example:
In Module -> AutoFunctions
' register the function
With CustomFPScriptFunctions.Add("MyCustomFunction1")
.Description = "Output Matrix"
.Indeterministic = False
With .Parameters.Add("Arg1")
.Description = "First argument"
.AllowedTypes = fpParameterTypeNumeric
End With
Set oMyFunction = New MyFunctionImplementationObject1
.Register oMyFunction
End With
' register the function
With CustomFPScriptFunctions.Add("MyCustomFunction2")
.Description = "Output Matrix"
.Indeterministic = False
With .Parameters.Add("Arg1")
.Description = "First argument"
.AllowedTypes = fpParameterTypeNumeric
End With
Set oMyFunction = New MyFunctionImplementationObject2
.Register oMyFunction
End With
And in my classmodule -> MyFunctionImplementationObject1
Option Explicit
Implements ICustomFPScriptFunctionCalculate1
Private Function ICustomFPScriptFunctionCalculate_Calculate1(SafeArrayOfArguments() As Variant)
ICustomFPScriptFunctionCalculate_Calculate = SafeArrayOfArguments()
End Function
And in my classmodule -> MyFunctionImplementationObject2
Option Explicit
Implements ICustomFPScriptFunctionCalculate2
Private Function ICustomFPScriptFunctionCalculate_Calculate2(SafeArrayOfArguments() As Variant)
ICustomFPScriptFunctionCalculate_Calculate = SafeArrayOfArguments()
End Function
But as soon as I add another function in my AutoFunctions neither of the two added functions is working. I get the error message “The referred function does not exist”
Can you tell me what I’m doing wrong ?