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Home > Community > General > Rainflow count class divisions > Antwort auf: Rainflow count class divisions
To test the rainflow count options within FlexPro, I compared the FlexPro calculated results with some hand calculated results using a simple signal composed of 10 different sinus waves.
I calculated the rainflow counts using the absolute positive range pairs.
If I use the automatic class divisions, the FlexPro results are identical to the hand calculations.
But if I set the class division by hand using either [start/end], [start/class width] or if I use [from dataset with class limit] using the class width I got from the automatic class division calculations, the results are completely different.
For all options I have used the same number of class divisions.
Because I will have to combine a number of rainflow calculations, the class width will have to be equal for all results.
Am I doing something wrong?
If so, how should I continue?