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UFF Import X-Axis Unit

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  • #35188
    John HuffJohn Huff

    Hello, I am trialing FlexPro and working with UFF58 files. I have tried several files and for some reason the X-axis unit is not being detected.

    When I import the data and plot it everything plots correctly and the sample frequency is correct. The only thing I have to do is specify the X-Unit.

    Is there something I am missing or is this the intended behavior. Here is the header of my file.

    REF 1: SD-VXI (0001.005)
    04-Jan-23 05:23:53
        1         0    0         0 NONE               0   1 NONE               0   0
             2    131072         1 -4.09600E+00  4.00000E-04            0
            17    0    0    0 Time                 s                
            21    0    0    0 NONE                 mV                  
             0    0    0    0 NONE                 NONE                
             0    0    0    0 NONE                 NONE     
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