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Custom OpenFile/Folder dialog for C# Addin

Accueil > Community > General > Custom OpenFile/Folder dialog for C# Addin

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  • #12818


    I would like to be able to use custom .NET forms to select either several files or several folders in the folder task window in Flexpro analog to the SelectFolder of the FPDatabaseAccess object.

    Is there a control/form which I may inherit in the FlexPro COM object library? How can I access the browser capabilities of FlexPro in the folder task window?




    I would like to be able to use custom .NET forms to select either several files or several folders in the folder task window in Flexpro analog to the SelectFolder of the FPDatabaseAccess object.

    Is there a control/form which I may inherit in the FlexPro COM object library? How can I access the browser capabilities of FlexPro in the folder task window?


    Bernhard KantzBernhard Kantz

    There is no FlexPro COM control for access of the folder/objects in the project database. To simulate the explorer-like view of the folder window, one has to create a ListView with a custom data model representing the folders and other objects found in the project database.

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