Split Orders Analysis Object (Order Tracking Option – deprecated and removed from Gallery in FlexPro 2021)


Note: In FlexPro 2021, order tracking was changed to a completely new procedure. This analysis object was replaced in the process, but it is still available in FlexPro so that your existing evaluations will work without any changes. The deprecated order tracking analysis objects which were removed from the Gallery with FlexPro 2021 can still be viewed in the Gallery via File > Options > System Settings. Activate this option if you want to continue using the deprecated analysis objects in new projects (not recommended).

With this analysis object you can split orders contained in an order tracking for various speeds into separate objects. Each of these objects then returns the sums of a particular order as a signal over the speed. For the result of the order tracking to be split, the option Y = amplitude, X = order, Z = speed must be selected. These signals can then be displayed in 2D diagrams, for instance.

To split an order tracking, select an order tracking analysis object for which the result above is set. Now select the command Insert[Analyses] > Spectral Analysis > Split Ordersto create a separate Split Orders analysis object for each order. Each of these objects takes a row from the order tracking analysis object and uses the number of the corresponding order in its name.

See Also

Analysis Objects

Order Tracking Option

Order Tracking Analysis Object

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