Editing Properties


1.Select all objects for which you want to edit a particular property, for instance, the labels for the X and Y axes of a diagram or several data sets and formulas in the Object List. You can select several objects in presentation objects by holding down the CTRL key and clicking on them. With the ALT key pressed, you can select all elements of the same type, such as the symbols on all curves.

2.Click on the edit box in the Properties window for the property you want to edit. If you are working with a numerical value or text, you can enter the value or text directly. If you are working with a drop down list box, then you can open a list and make a selection. Otherwise, a button is displayed to the right of the field so that you can open a dialog box for editing.

3.You can finish your input using the ENTER key. The change will affect all selected objects containing this property.


Placing your mouse pointer on the name of a property displays the property description.

If the edit box for the selected property appears empty, then you are either working with an empty text field or the property occurs in several objects with different content. In any case, your input is entered into all selected objects containing the edited property.

See Also

Properties Window

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