Drawing a Line, Rectangle, Ellipse, Arc or Other Shapes


1.Click Design[Illustrations] > Shapes and select, for instance, Polyline.

2.Click on the location where you want to start the polyline.

3.Now move your mouse to the location where you want the next corner point to be and click there.

4.To draw a freehand curve, move the mouse while holding down the left mouse button.

5.Double-click to stop drawing.


You can influence the appearance of the various shapes if you keep the SHIFT key and/or the CTRL key pressed while you draw. By doing this, you can, for instance, change the direction of an arc, a circular arc or a square, or force horizontal or vertical lines to be created.

You can cancel drawing an object by pressing ESC.

Now draw arcs and ellipse segments with a 90° angle. Use the command Drawing Tools/Format[Tools] > Edit Shape You can then change the angle.

See Also


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