ListToSeries (FPScript)


Converts a list with items of the same structure into a data series, data matrix or signal series.




The syntax of the ListToSeries function consists of the following parts:




The list to be converted. If you do not specify a list, this will be treated as a list with one element.

Permitted data structures are scalar value, data series und signallist, . All data types are permitted.


A list with scalar values is converted to a data series, a list with data series is converted to a data matrix, and a list with signals is converted to a signal series. If the X components of grouped signals differ, this results in a signal series with two-dimensional X components. If the items in the list have a unit, these units have to be identical.

Available in

FlexPro Basic, Professional, Developer Suite


ListToSeries([1, 2, 3, 4])

Results in {1, 2, 3, 4}. Converts the list with scalar values into a data series.

See Also

List Function

ConcatenateList Function

SeriesToList Function

ListElementNames Function

Data Structures

List Operator

List Element Operator

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