ListElementNames (FPScript)


Determines the name of the list element with the specified index.


ListElementNames(List [ , Index ])


The syntax of the ListElementNames function consists of the following parts:




The list from which the name of the element within is to be read.

Permitted data structures are list. All data types are permitted.


The index of the elements in the list whose names are to be determined. A scalar value addresses a single name and a data series addresses multiple names. Negative indices are indexed from the end of the list. The argument is optional. If you omit it, a data series with the name of all list elements is returned.

Permitted data structures are scalar value und data series. All integral data types are permitted.

If the argument is a list, then the first element in the list is taken. If this is also a list, then the process is repeated.


The elements in the list are numbered beginning with zero. The result is a string with the name of the indexed list element or a data series with multiple element names of the list. If no element name is saved for a list element in the list itself, but the list element has header information, the name is taken from this information. If the list element does not have a name, an empty string is passed.

Available in

FlexPro View, Basic, Professional, Developer Suite


ListElementNames([<Element>1, 2], 0)

Results in "Element".

ListElementNames([<Element>, 2], 1)

Results in "".

ListElementNames([<Element>1, 2], -2)

Results in "Element".

ListElementNames([<Element1>1, <Element2>2])

Results in { "Element1", "Element2" }.

ListElementNames([<Element1>1, <Element2>2], { 1, 0 })

Results in { "Element2", "Element1" }.

See Also

AssignListElementNames Function

Data Structures

List Operator

List Element Operator

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