Do…While Statement (FPScript)


Executes a series of statements until a given condition is FALSE.




While Condition

The syntax of the Do...While statement consists of the following elements:




An expression that results in TRUE, FALSE or any numeric scalar value. For the numerical result, all values not equal to zero are taken to be TRUE.


One or more statements between Do and While that are repeated as long as Condition results in true.


The statements in the Do...While block are executed first. Next, the Condition is checked annd the statements are repeated when Condition has the value TRUE. If Condition has the value FALSE, then the program continues the execution with the statement following Condition.

Do...While statements can be nested as you like. A While statement always refers to the last executed Do statement at the same level.

Available in

FlexPro View, Basic, Professional, Developer Suite


The following example searches in a signal for local maxima that occur after a slope and returns this as a signal:

Arguments Data

Dim Pos, ResultPos

Pos = Data.X[0n]


    Pos = NextSlope(Data, Pos, 0.2, 0.2, 0.1, EVENT_POSITIVE)

    If Pos <> Empty Then

        Pos = NextExtremum(Data, Pos, 0.1, EVENT_POSITIVE)

        ResultPos := Pos


While Pos <> Empty

Data[[ResultPos]]    // Data set with points found

See Also

While...End Statement

For...End Statement

For Each Value...End Statement

For Each Element...End Statement

For Each Column...End Statement

For Each Row...End Statement

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