Exporting Presentation Objects, Documents and Worksheets with OLE


You can export presentation objects, documents, worksheets and text as OLE objects and thereby embed copies or links to these objects into OLE client applications. FlexPro offers the objects as FlexPro Project Database Objects, Pictures (Enhanced Metafiles) and Device Independent Bitmaps. Embedding or linking depends on the third-party application into which the file is to be inserted. Here we describe the process using the popular word processor Microsoft Word.

To create a dynamic link:

1.Select a presentation object, document or worksheet from the Object List.

2.Use the command Home[Clipboard] > Copy to copy the object to the clipboard.

3.Place the cursor in the location in the Word document where the object is to be inserted.

4.Use the Word command Home[Clipboard] > Paste > Paste Special.

5.In the Paste Special dialog box, select the FlexPro Project Database Object format and select the option Paste link.

Note:   You can also copy an open presentation object to the clipboard by using the command Copy in the window where the object is displayed. However, elements in the object must not be selected.

To insert a static copy:

1.Select a presentation object, document or worksheet from the Object List.

2.Use the command Home[Clipboard] > Copy to copy the object to the clipboard.

3.Place the cursor in the location in the Word document where the object is to be inserted.

4.Use the Word command Home[Clipboard] > Paste > Paste Special.

5.In the Paste Special dialog box, select the Device Independent Bitmap format.

Note:   You can only use the Project Database Object format for links and not for inserting.

See Also

Exporting Presentation Objects, Documents and Worksheets as a File

Exporting Data Sets to a Text File

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