Customizing Keyboard Shortcuts


You can assign keyboard shortcuts to commands, macros or frequently used icons.

1.Click File > Options.

2.Click Customize Ribbon.

3.Click on the Customize button next to Keyboard Shortcuts to open the Customize Keyboard dialog box.

4.In the Categories box click on the category that contains the command or element.

5.In the Commands box click on the name of the command or element.
In the Current box you can see all the shortcuts that are currently assigned.

6.Carry out one of the following actions:

Assigning a Shortcut

1.Keyboard shortcuts must start with CTRL, ALT or another function key.

2.Click on the New Shortcut Key box and then press the key combination that you want to assign to the action. For example, press ALT and the desired key.

3.In the Assigned to box check whether the key combination is already assigned to another command or element. If it is, select a different key combination.

4.Click Assign.

Removing a Shortcut

1.In the Current box click on the shortcut that you want to remove.

2.Click Remove.

Resetting All Shortcuts

Click on the Reset All button.

See Also

Customizing the Ribbon

Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar

Keyboard Shortcuts

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