ChooseFile (FPScript)


Opens a dialog box for choosing a file.


ChooseFile(Title, FilePath, Folder, Filter)


The syntax of the ChooseFile function consists of the following parts:




String with a title for the dialog box.

Permitted data structures are scalar value. Supported data types are string.


A default for the file name. Specify an empty string if you do not want to preset a file name.

Permitted data structures are scalar value. Supported data types are string (file name).


A default for the path of the folder from which the file is to be chosen.

Permitted data structures are scalar value. Supported data types are string (folder name).


A series of string pairs representing file filters for displaying the files. The filter specifies the file type required for a file in order to be displayed in the file list. The first string of a pair describes the filter, and the second string specifies the name of the file extension to be used. You can specify several extensions by separating them with ';'. The individual filters are separated from each other using a '|' character. Two '|' characters are placed after the last filter.

If you specify a file filter, only the files passing the filter appear in the list box. Specify an empty string if you do not want to use a filter.

Permitted data structures are scalar value. Supported data types are string.


The result is a string with the full path name of the chosen file.

If an argument is a list, then the first element in the list is taken. If this is also a list, then the process is repeated.

Available in

FlexPro Basic, Professional, Developer Suite


ChooseFile("Select File", "", "C:\\Data", "Text Files (*.txt; *.asc)|*.txt; *.asc|Data Files (*.dat)|*.dat|All Files (*.*)|*.*||")

Opens a dialog box with the title "Select File" and shows all files with the extension ".txt" or ".asc" in the folder "C:\Data". The selected file name is returned with the path.

See Also

Input Function

TextInput Function

TimeInput Function

TimeSpanInput Function

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