ASAM ODS Data Import Options


The following settings can be made in the ASAM ODS Data Import Options dialog box:

Import Data as Links

If you do not want to copy the ASAM ODS data, but want to link it, select the Import data as links option.

Import Attributes

If you want to import attributes automatically in addition to the measurement data, select the Import attributes option. If you execute the Import Data command, additional data objects are created in FlexPro. An object contains the value of an attribute that contains the selected instance element or one of the sub-elements. The base element of the instance element must be AoTest, AoSubtest or AoMeasurement.

Import Additional Information

If you want to import additional information automatically in addition to the measurement data, select the Import additional information option. If you execute the Import Data command, additional data objects are created in FlexPro. An object contains the value of an attribute of an instance element that was derived from one of the tables AoUnitUnderTest, AoUnitUnderTestPart, AoTestEquipment, AoTestEquipmentPart, AoTestDevice, AoTestSequence, or AoTestSequencePart and has a relationship to the measurement to be imported.  

Use ID in Name of Instance Elements

Select this option if you want the ID of the instance elements to be displayed next to the name in the tree view.

See Also

ASAM ODS Data Import Option

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