Application Profile


By authorizing Weisang to record and transmit a user profile for FlexPro, you are assisting the Weisang developer team in its further development.

The application profile contains information about how you use the software, i.e. which commands you use and how often you use them, the help topics you view, and dialog boxes you open. It also provides information on the operating system you are using and the system settings you use to run FlexPro.

The application profile does not contain any personal or confidential information such as your name, keyboard input, passwords or hard drive data.

When launching FlexPro for the first time, you can specify whether you authorize recording of the application profile. FlexPro then transmits the data every 30 days to Weisang. If you are interested in the recorded profile, FlexPro will show it to you before it is transmitted.

You can change your settings for recording and transmitting the application profile at any time in the Options dialog box on the User Profile tab. To do this, select File > Options.


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