AcousticCalibration (FPScript)


Calculates the calibration value from a calibration signal.


AcousticCalibration(Signal, CalibrationLevel)


The syntax of the AcousticCalibration function consists of the following parts:




The microphone time signal to be analyzed. The signal must remain constant for at least 4 seconds, otherwise a calibration value cannot be determined. The sampling rate of the signal must be at least 1 kHz.

Permitted data structures are signal. All numeric data types are permitted. The argument is transformed to the unit V.

For the X component additional restrictions do apply.

For complex data types the absolute value is formed.

If the argument is a list, then the function is executed for each element of the list and the result is also a list.


The sound pressure level generated by the calibrator.

Permitted data structures are scalar value. All numeric data types are permitted.

If the argument is a list, then the first element in the list is taken. If this is also a list, then the process is repeated.


The result has the unit dB.

The calibration value is required for sound level computation so that the microphone sensitivity and the gain and attenuation of the complete signal chain (microphone, impedance converter, etc.) is considered. It is determined by analyzing a calibration signal. This is usually recorded with a calibrator attached to the microphone.

The SoundLevel and TimeDomainOctaveAnalysis functions use the calibration value. A calibration value of 0 dB stands for a sensitivity level of the complete signal chain of 50 mV/Pa (in terms of voltage: dB over 1 µV). A higher calibration value corresponds to lower microphone sensitivity. For more details, see Calibration in Acoustics.

Available in

Option Acoustics


AcousticCalibration(TimeSignal, 94 dB)

Calibrates the signal 'TimeSignal' with a calibration value of 94 dB.

See Also

SoundLevel Function

TimeDomainOctaveAnalysis Function

Calibration in Acoustics

Sound Level Analysis Object

Octave Analysis - Analysis Object

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