Duration (FPScript)

Analyzing Data Mathematically > Reference > FPScript Functions > Calendar Time > Duration

Duration (FPScript)

Generates a time span value using the elements provided.


Duration(Hours, Minutes, Seconds)
Duration(Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds)


The syntax of the Duration function consists of the following parts:




The number of days in the duration.

Permitted data structures are scalar value. All real data types are permitted. The argument is transformed to the unit d.


The number of hours in the duration.

Permitted data structures are scalar value. All real data types are permitted. The argument is transformed to the unit h.


The number of minutes in the duration.

Permitted data structures are scalar value. All real data types are permitted. The argument is transformed to the unit min.


The number of seconds in the duration.

Permitted data structures are scalar value. All real data types are permitted. The argument is transformed to the unit s.



The result is a scalar value with the specified time span.

If an argument is a list, then the first element in the list is taken. If this is also a list, then the process is repeated.

Note        Constant time span values can also be written directly as FPScript constants.

Available in

FlexPro View, Standard, Professional, Developer Suite


Duration(12, 30, 45.6)

Results in '12:30:45.6'.

Duration(12, -30, 45.6)

Results in '11:30:45.6'.

-Duration(12, 30, 45.6)

Results in -'12:30:45.6'.

Duration(-12, -30, -45.6)

Results in -'12:30:45.6'.

Duration(3, 12, 30, 45.6)

Results in '3:12:30:45.6'.

Duration(3 d, 12 h, 30 min, 45 ms)

Results in '3:12:30:00.045'.


See Also

Date Function

Time Function

CurrentDate Function

Data Types

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